(too old to reply)
Gareth's Downstairs Computer
2017-08-09 15:53:33 UTC
I've only just heard of this, and, as my Meccano set (with some
bits dating back to 1910) is getting all bent and rusty, does
anyone have experience of this as a prototyping tool?

I did dally with Lego***** some years ago but felt restricted by
the dimensional limitations in that everything has to be built up
from the bottom and you couldn't shoot off at any angle as
you could with Meccano.

ISTR also some years ago a competitor to Meccano as Fischer Technik?

***** Invented by the Brit Hilary Fisher of Kiddiecraft,
and design stolen by Lego,
who later on purchased the rights to the design from Fisher's widow
in order to sanitise what they were doing, but it still hasn't stopped
their claiming that they invented it!
2017-08-09 16:13:07 UTC
Post by Gareth's Downstairs Computer
ISTR also some years ago a competitor to Meccano as Fischer Technik?
There was another Meccano like system, from Germany, name had an X in
it, perhaps Trix, but don't remember the name. A relative brought
back a set from Germany as a present some time in the 1950's.
Was an electrical engineer on an exchange trip from the CEGB, or
whatever they were called in those days...

Brian Reay
2017-08-10 08:32:25 UTC
Post by Gareth's Downstairs Computer
I've only just heard of this, and, as my Meccano set (with some
bits dating back to 1910) is getting all bent and rusty, does
anyone have experience of this as a prototyping tool?
Not very 'robust' being make of plastic, our children had some.

If you can find any, Philips Mechanical Engineer is better quality but
it hasn't been made for decades. It had lots of parts that could make
pumps etc. It was a parallel to their Electronic Engineer kits.

All in all, you can't beat Mecanno- truly ageless.
Suspect someone is claiming a benefit under false pretences? Incapacity
Benefit or Personal Independence Payment when they don't need it? They
are depriving those in real need!
