Gareth's Downstairs Computer
2017-12-10 12:23:09 UTC
Now , I know that we've all got hexagonal screwdriver inserts
coming out of our ears, however ...
For only £20, B & Q have a 250-piece set of metal drills,
masonry drills, wood cutting drills, ordinary (!!) drills,
wood-cutting bits, and some of those pesky screwdriver inserts.
Why is this good? Well, when drilling out a larger hole on the
lathe, I now do not need to risk sacificing my precision drills
to get to the hole size required, for there is a very wide
selection of (apparently) titanium tipped drills from about
1.5mm upwards.
coming out of our ears, however ...
For only £20, B & Q have a 250-piece set of metal drills,
masonry drills, wood cutting drills, ordinary (!!) drills,
wood-cutting bits, and some of those pesky screwdriver inserts.
Why is this good? Well, when drilling out a larger hole on the
lathe, I now do not need to risk sacificing my precision drills
to get to the hole size required, for there is a very wide
selection of (apparently) titanium tipped drills from about
1.5mm upwards.