Post by JohnPost by Peter Fairbrother[...]
Post by David BillingtonI was going to suggest an Arduino as there are a few PID temperature
controller projects out there and Adafruit produce a thermocouple
module that supports a range of thermocouple types and has a support
library but you can buy cheap Chinese PID controllers off ebay for
around £35
more like £80 - the £35 ones are not ramp programable, even though they
claim to be.
and even TCDirect have a budget range sub £100
£153 4 setpoints, no ramp rate control.
Post by David Billingtonwouldn't bother making my own.
Adafruit MCP9600 TC module is £20 or so.. :(
Sounds like overkill to me, as if there's enough thermal mass in
the system, the temp will ramp up and down slowly anyway, even
using a standard on/off style controller.
I want process control - setpoints, soaks, ramps.
For instance, for investment castings I want to dewax for an hour or two
at 90C, dry at a ramp from 100-250C over several hours, then ramp up to
casting temperature of maybe 700C fairly fast, sound an alarm and hold
'til the melt is ready.
If I have to sit and watch over that I am not going to do it properly. A
process control PID would do a much better job. And it would waste my
precious time.
Don't make it more
Post by Johncomplex than it needs to be, even if writing the code on a micro
is fun :-).
I hate writing code. That's why I am a cryptologic theoretician not a
cryptographic programmer.
Post by JohnI usually look out for Omron 40mm EC5xx type controllers for such
Why? They are just plain ordinary controllers, no process control
£300 new, £70 used. Ouch.
A REX-100 for £10 new will do the same job, just make sure to choose the
right model.
Which is why I don't like paying £20 plus for a TC module which only
does a small part of the job.
Peter Fairbrother